SOMOS Derby Match 2012

We had a great time at the SOMOS Derby here in Jacksonville. Lemmy  participated in the Match,  taking second in Open.


WD/BOS in Elkton, FL

Lemmy went WD/BOS in Elkton, FL under judge Karin Ashe on 4/10/11. She commented that I’m going to have a lot of fun with him, which of course, I always do. Our next shows are in Fort Myers 5/14 and 5/15. Here’s a photo of him in the back yard from last week.

Celtic Classic – Eastern Whippet Specialty 2011

Last weekend we attended the Eastern Whippet Specialty in York, PA. Lemmy did well although it was a long stressful week for both of us. The crowning achievement for the weekend was getting 1st place in the 12-15 month class under Iva Kimmelman on Friday’s supported entry. I got a lot of nice compliments from breeders and exhibitors and we really enjoyed the show.

Ocala Shows

We showed in Ocala Friday and Saturday. Second in his class Friday (2 dogs) and first Saturday (only dog) but nothing else. He injured himself last weekend and was on crate rest/leash walks all week. His movement was still a little choppy and short up front. The most important thing is that he had a wonderful time, loved on everyone he met and took all the new experiences (a hotel stay, elevators, stairs, sleeping in bed with me) in stride. I even got some comments on how absolutely wonderful his temperament is.

He also got a chiropractic adjustment from Dr. Gerald Johnson and it was amazing to watch. He was very sensitive in his mid-back area and was flinching and twitching the skin. He adjusted his ribs and instantly the twitching and flinching stopped. I will definitely look up Dr. Johnson at future shows.